Jeremy Stinson For Congress Represents Maryland Small Business

We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Jeremy Stinson, who is running for Congress representing Maryland’s 5th District. Mr. Stinson is also an accomplished business owner from the greater Washington, D.C. metropolitan area. We were fortunate enough to talk with Mr. Stinson and understand more about himself, his experience in small business and his goals for the future.

Small Business View: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself?

Jeremy Stinson: Husband, father, veteran, businessman and concerned resident of Maryland’s 5th district. I’m fiscally conservative, socially moderate, and I believe that common sense ideas and the same basic principals that we run our businesses and homes with, should be used to run our government. To find out more about my background and platform, please go to

SBV: What is your experience with Small Business?

JS: I am a small business owner. I started The Stinson Group, LLC, in 2008. We’re a business and management consulting firm that focuses on helping small-medium businesses become more efficient, effective and economical and as a result – more profitable. As a businessman and more specifically as a business consultant, I am all too familiar with some of the barriers to small business owners in the 5th district, Maryland, and our nation.

SBV: If elected to Congress, in what ways would you help small businesses?

JS: One of my top three platform planks is to address America’s tax code – it needs to be simplified in all aspects. Small business owners are subject to uncertainty caused by the overly complex and ever-changing tax code, I will work to bring stability to the engine of growth, our small businesses, by advocating a vote on the floor of the House for the Simpson/Bowles plan. If it is voted down then I will continue on with my own alternative proposal.

SBV: Is there anything else you would like to say about the Small Business community of the DC metro area?

JS: The small business community here in the DC Metro area are special group of people. It’s impossible not to be awed of the ambition, the resilience, and the internal fortitude that is exhibited on a daily basis by the individuals who drive our economy. I’m honored to be a part of that community and I am eager to represent us well on the national stage. I will add that I cannot do it with the help of my colleagues in the business community, so I implore all of you to support my campaign in any way possible – be it with a financial contribution or a contribution of your time or resources. We can do it, and you can help. Do your part to put an Independent businessman in office at
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